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«Ядро» Site rating Weather SINOPTIK.ua - погодный сайт №1 в Украине

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Site statistics: sinoptik.ua
Slices: absent (For the owner of the site: add slices)
renewed on the 28 of April at 23:59

<< 21 Apr. during 22-28 April 29 Apr. >>

report: positions in Yandex (test mode) by days | by weeks | by months
average daily
during 22-28 April during 15-21 April
1 1.3
1.3 7.3
1.4 1
1.9 23
2 2
2 2
2 2.7
2.3 2.7
2.6 2.3
2.6 2.7
   add/change search phrases

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In reports of group “positions in search engines” positions of site by different retrieval inquires are shown in the results of search, and also graphs and their changes.

Each owner of site can set on the page changes of site description list of retrieval phrases (up to 30), by which he wants to trace positions of his site. The depth of tracing of search results is different for different search engines: Yandex - 20 positions, Google - 40, Rambler - 50.

In the report positions are shown not only by those phrases, which the owner of this site set, but by phrases, which were set for the other sites. Phrases, which the owner set himself, are shown in italics, “strange” phrases – in straight text.

For the owner of the site:   change site description   counter html-code   exit


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