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«Ядро» Site rating Weather SINOPTIK.ua - погодный сайт №1 в Украине

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Site statistics: sinoptik.ua
Slices: absent (For the owner of the site: add slices)
renewed on the 28 of August at 23:59

  Wednesday, 28 of August 29 Aug. >>

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  Wednesday, 28 of August Tuesday, 27 of August
1100.0% 0 
1  0 


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This report is formed from the report “transitions from pages” by means of integration of pages by names of servers, it shows from which sites transitions are made.

In this list there can be several message lines, which are not site addresses:

Bookmarks: besides proper transitions from bookmarks (bookmarks, "Favourites") and hand set of the address here also belong transitions, during which the browser do not report the address of linking page, this can happen during transitions by flash-banners, from the files on the local user’s disk, from mail programs, icq, loadings of site pages by means of JavaScript (usually pop-up windows), redirection with the help of tag <meta>, and also if in browser the transmission of information about linking page is banned.

Not a web-page: in cases, when the address of linking page is non-empty, but is not an address of web-page (doesn’t begin from http://) the given name is used.

Not defined: if on site pages a lite version of counter is installed, which can not define linking pages, this name will be used.

Others: > if there are more than 100 addresses in the list, then sites, from which only one transition is registered, integrate in the string “Others”. Such kind of compression is executed only with the beginning of a new day, list of sites for the current day is not compressed.

Advertisements: transitions by advertisements or banners, placed in some advertising nets (Yandex.Direct, Begun and other systems, using special mark format openstat). In order these transitions to be taken stock of, it is necessary to make changes in settings of advertising campaign (for Yandex.Direct to turn on checkmark "Internal internet-statistics").

For the owner of the site:   change site description   counter html-code   exit


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